
Our toddler program has 12 spots where we provide at least  1 to 6 child-worker to child ratio. The daily schedule and routine includes play-based learning, variety of staff directed and individual activities, hygiene,  as well as included in the fees breakfast, healthy snack and lunches prepared in-house.

Our toddler program encourages a meaningful, and nurturing connection  in safe and calm environment. It focuses on all three areas : fine motors/gross motor, social/emotional,  language and cognitive.

Fine motors/gross motor. Toddlers love fine and gross motor activities. Child-workers implement a variety of sensory activities to stimulate children's senses, and large motors activities to promote balance, muscle strength, stability and posture, and coordination. Additionally, along with active supervision child-worker encourage independence through the exploration of a variety of objects, toys and materials around them to promote fine and gross motors skills.

Social/emotional.  When infants become toddlers they gain more independence, they experience more complex emotions. Through creation of positive relation the  staff will encourage toddlers independence and exploration of an even bigger umbrella of feelings, and will provide support to regulate their attention, emotions and behaviours  whenever needed. Additionally, the staff implements a variety of interactive games and activities  that will promote the toddlers social  life with their peers and child-workers.

Language and Cognitive. During this period of life toddlers are like sponges that absorb and use new words in no time. The staff is there to encourage and promote learning of new words and sentences through play based learning , incorporating new activities and games in their program to encourage communication with adults and peers. Additionally, the staff incorporates music, circle time where children learn new songs, phrases and words following with the  story time where  greater focus  goes on non-science fiction books with humans, animals, plants etc. with variety of illustration and photographs.